The Best Cure for a Cold

I’ve been under the weather these past few days. I’ve not been in the mood to even peek at my email until this evening, which is odd for me, especially considering reading my email in the mornings is like drinking a cup of coffee for most people – I simply cannot fully wake up and face the day until my email is read. That is, until I come down with a cold. Then, I shun reading from a screen and go for reading the old fashioned way.

So, for several hours a day, I’ve enjoyed being bundled up with a hot cup of tea and a good book. Well, actually two good books. Seems I’ve come under the spell of a certain high fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. The series was introduced to me by an old friend over a year ago.

Though, until a few weeks ago, however, I hadn’t even cracked open a page of the first book in the series, called A Game of Thrones. But, since I recently had some time on my hands (being sick with laryngitis and all), I decided to dive in. And, I’ve barely come up for air! I’m done with the first book and am already 3/4 into the second book in the series, which is called A Clash of Kings.

Anyway, the combo of hot herbal tea and really good book is the best cure for the common cold that I’ve ever found. It almost makes me forget the sore throat and constant sneezing… almost. 😉

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6 Responses to “The Best Cure for a Cold”

  1. Simple Mindz says:

    Glad you are feeling better… I am the same way when I get up in the morn… – gotta read the email, check the blogs…

  2. Bobby says:

    I’m the same way…I adore email and blogs. I’ll often have gmail open in a new tab in firefox before I leave the house and check it when I come back (lame). I’m also addicted to live bookmarks in firefox which is much easier for me. 🙂 I am an uber-GEEK.

  3. Simple Mindz – Thanks! Yeah, I think a lot of us bloggers are alike in that we need are morning “fix” of email, blog reading, commenting, etc.

    Bobby – I am totally there! I have all my tabs open first thing in the morning: one for Gmail, one for Google Reader and one for my blog.

    Guess we’ll just be uber-geeks together. 😉

  4. Charles says:

    I’ll have to check that out. One of the best short stories I ever read was by George and I can’t find the darn book! You ever read anything by Raymond Fiest? He has some pretty good series.

  5. katelin says:

    Sounds like my routine, haha. Feel better!

  6. Charles – Yes, I certainly recommend taking a peek at them at some point. The Fire & Ice series can be enjoyed by both men and women alike. Also, I can’t say that I’ve read anything by Raymond Fiest, but I will check out his stuff! I love getting book recommendations. Thanks! 🙂

    Katelin – Yeah, I’m sure us internet geeks have similar routines. 😉 Thanks for the wellness wishes!

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