Strike a Pose

Ugh, I feel so out of shape! Tonight, I got to finally start back into my yoga routine, because we have 99% of the flooring installed in the living room :w00t!:. Before, it was blocked by the furniture we had piled in the middle of the room while we worked around it and the living room has our only TV. It’s been months since I set foot on my mat and practiced, and damn, I felt as stiff as a board! Not to mention that I had to modify most of the poses, because I couldn’t reach the full pose most of the time.

Never again!!! I don’t care if I have to drive to a friends’ house, I’m never neglecting my routine like that again. The good part is that it’s been so long, the DVD I use doesn’t seem so boring. Though, I’ve been eyeing a few new ones on Amazon lately.. maybe I’ll give myself a couple of new ones for Chanukah this year. 🙂

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