Top 10 Novelty Breakfast Cereals

July 29, 2006

Agent24, now part of this complete breakfast!

Top 10 Novelty Breakfast Cereals

  • Count Chocula
  • It’s so mainstream that it hardly qualifies as “novelty,” but I have a soft spot for breakfast foods that pay homage to 15th century Romanian princes.

  • Crispy Critters
  • Indubitably delicious.

  • Rice Krispies Treat Cereal
  • This is all that Rice Krispies were good for anyway. They just cut out the middleman.

  • Nintendo Breakfast Cereal
  • Wouldn’t it have been better to have a “Mario Bros.” line of pasta and sauce? I’m just saying.

  • Urkel-O’s
  • I don’t know what’s more disturbing: the fact that this cereal was actually made or that the picture in the link is actually autographed.

  • Fruit Brute
  • I have no recollection of this cereal, which is odd because I spent an inordinate amount of time in the cereal aisle as a kid. Maybe it was healthy.

  • C3PO’s
  • If you’ve ever eaten this cereal, I’m going to guess that you never went to prom either. Bonus points if you cried into a bowl of C3P0’s on prom night.

  • Bill & Ted’s Excellent Cereal
  • I wish I could use their time-travelling phone booth to go back and beg my mom to buy this cereal. Or I could go back, buy it, and leave it in my cupboard for me to find right now.

  • Dunkin Donuts Cereal
  • The weird thing is that I’ve actually had this cereal, but never one of their actual donuts.

  • Croonchy Stars
  • Check out the photo of the Swedish Chef on the box. Not only does this cereal exploit the accent of a foreigner (neoprene though he may be), his mouth also looks vaguely vaginal. Again, I’m just saying.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Delhi Bed And BreakFast April 5, 2010 at 6:59 am

I am traveling the coast and any restaurant suggestions from LA to Solvang would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
.-= Delhi Bed And BreakFast’s last blog ..Delhi Bed and Breakfast (b&b) Accommodation – BNB New Delhi, India =-.


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