Explore for Photo Stuff

July 29, 2006

I’m going to venture outside and explore a bit. Hopefully, I’ll return with a few good photos to share.

WebKittyn is coming up next on Mango Radio! Go listen, you won’t be sorry.

If you have a photo to request, you can request in several ways:

  • Demand a photo by commenting on the latest post
  • Request-a-photo through my contact form
  • Shout out something you want me to photograph by contacting me over Google Talk: binaryblonde[at]gmail[dot]com

As promised, here is another hint for the Guess-the-Outfit contest. I’ve heard only one guess, so far! Hopefully, as the ‘thon progresses it’ll be easier to tell what the outfit is. You can always view the past hints via my Blogathon 2006 page.

Hint #6: I’ve had it since high school.

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