Brain Goo

Gah, I’m too full to think. At least eating woke me up again. I was starting to feel that weird kind of tired where sounds and movement are heightened. Hrmm. I’m sure that’ll come again sooner than I think. Might have to make more of my iced coffee concoction.

Not much is rolling around in my head at the moment. Just trying to digest the massive amount of carbs I just ate. Soooo, what to do when you’re brains turned to goo? Why, of course, a haiku! (wonky, I tell ya.)

Lots o’ nice people,
Blogging for a charity,
Hope they aren’t tired.

Anyone have any guesses on the Guess-the-Outfit, yet? If you want to see all the hints from the beginning, check out my Blogathon page. Oh! And I still have some photo requests to fill – stay tuned for those. 🙂 (Thanks again, Ronnie!)

I’m still only ten measly dollars away from my goal! I hope there is one or two more people willing to give a few buckaroos for the n’animals. Sponsor me if it’s you!

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