Master Cleanse: Day 6

Today it felt like I took a step back, as I felt slightly hungry during the day. Oddly enough, even feeling slightly hungry, I had no desire to eat when faced with restaurants and fast food all around me. Even looking at recipes, which were torture during the first few days, don’t bother me at all now. It’s great, because as I’m sure most people know, looking at recipes when you’re hungry just makes it worse! So, in light of my new found “immunity” to recipe-hunger, I’m going to finally organize all my recipes this weekend. 😀

Doing this cleanse has also enlightened me on just how much packaged food we really eat. So, I’m going to remedy that by making fresh dishes at least three times a week and help make easily packed, fresh lunches, as well. Vegan, of course. Though, I’m sure Kevin will most likely add his “real” cheese to his portions of any dishes that call for it.

I think my first fresh dish is going to this great recipe I found in Body + Soul magazine: Pasta with Black Beans, Tomatoes, and Pumpkin-Cilantro Sauce. It’s from a Nature’s Path ad and it’s completely vegan. I asked Kev if he would try it and I got a reluctant, “sure”. Heh. I’m going to resurrect those dead taste buds of his if it takes a freshly cooked meal everyday to do it, damnit!

Anyway, I’m starting to get bored of the taste of the limeade, but it’s not so unbearable that I can’t stick with the cleanse. I never did freeze it to make a slushie, but I’m going to do it tomorrow for sure. If only to get me out of this bored-taste-bud-rut. I also realised that I miss the act of chewing. So, I’ve been noshing on ice cubes just so I can freakin’ chew something. Gum would be great, but it’s not part of doing the cleanse properly. :-/

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