First Day of 2006 Hurricane Season

June 1, 2006

The 2006 hurricane season begins today and is being predicted to be super active by I’ve seen first hand what these destructive and devastating storms can do to pets that are abandoned and left homeless in the aftermath. It’s not something I’d like to relive again, this year or ever. While Katrina hit an ill-prepared Louisiana almost a year ago, much has been done to make sure that destruction like that never happens again. And many states that can be effected by hurricanes are taking better precautions this season.

2006 Hurricane Season

Even if you don’t live in the states directly affected by hurricanes, it’s still wise to be prepared for the unexpected by having an emergency evacuation plan and supplies in place for you and your pets.

Personally, I have a carrier for all three of our cats, as well as two bright red emergency cases full of pop-top canned food, dry food, water bottles, copies of their vaccinations and medical history, a small photo of each of them, litter and a small litter pan. Also included is a paper towel roll, gloves, a fully outfitted human survival/first aid kit, batteries, flashlights, glow sticks and several packets of freeze dried food. The emergency supply bags and the carriers can all be grabbed at a moments notice so we can get the hell away from whatever danger is effecting us.

North Shore Animal League is asking for signatures on a pledge to be prepared for the unexpected. Hopefully, making the pledge will be the first step. They also offer great tips for pet owners on how to be better prepared for natural disasters/emergencies.

Even though most emergency shelters do not allow pets, there is hope on the horizon for those of us who will not leave without our pets. In Miami-Dade County, Florida, it was announced that a second pet-friendly emergency shelter would open if a hurricane blew through. Shelters around the United States learned by watching what Louisiana and Mississippi went through and are opening up shelters where companion animals are allowed to stay with their owners.

I admit, I still have yet to find out if our nearby emergency shelter is pet-friendly, but it is something I plan to do soon. The American Red Cross has some good information on how to find pet-friendly places or shelters nearby. It might seem like a lot of work or a waste of time, but in an emergency, you’ll be glad you had the foresight to be prepared.

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