Home Sweet Home

I am not feeling well, so this will be short and sweet. I left Celebration Station yesterday morning, with Noni by my side. She was a trooper the entire way and didn’t make a peep. Several people marveled at what a good kitty she was. It was a long trip, with two flights and an hour layover in between, but we made it home safe and sound. Celeste and Kanji haven’t met her yet, but I plan to facilitate their meeting sometime tomorrow. New kitty introductions take time and patience. 🙂

I am working on getting my photos from my two prior trips uploaded, but considering the sheer amount of them, it might take a few weeks. They will all be under photos to the left when I do get them up. Oh, and I am writing something with a little more closure.. and reflection of my time doing pet rescue in Louisiana. Stay tuned.

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