
A unit of military police stopped by ARNO headquarters today to alert us about a “puppy” that a women noticed in a mound of debris. The women flagged them down. Long story short, we got the dog and I noticed she was ill, so I made the recommendation that she get to a 24 hour vet. They agreed, so we took her.

Unfortunately, her prognosis wasn’t good. She has end stage heartworm, among other ills (fleas, mange, anemia, fluid in lungs). The heartworm is so severe that she could not survive treatment. She has just weeks left to live. I say bittersweet because she is now fed, bathed, warm and safe. At least her last remaining days will be filled with all the good and happy things a sweet dog like her deserves. I did not take a photo of “Merry” with my camera phone, but did with my digital and will upload them here when I return.

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