Katrina Pet Research Study

I found this interesting post while browsing through craigslist New Orleans and thought I’d pass it on:

Participate in Research on Pets & Hurricane Katrina
Reply to: meganjj@sas.upenn.edu
Date: 2005-12-02, 11:19AM CST

Hi Everyone,

We are a research team at the University of Pennsylvania that has been working on issues of pet loss and pet bereavement for some time. We would like to invite you to participate in a study of the consequences of pet loss following a natural disaster like Hurricane Katrina. We need BOTH people who have lost or been forced to abandon a pet AND people who safely evacuated or have been reunited with their pet(s). The study materials will take about 30 minutes to complete, and are completely confidential. If you�re interested, please click on the link below to visit the study webpage.

Thank you.


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