Something for the FAQ

After people find out I’m going to Louisiana, the questions start coming, and one in particular, is asked the most: “Are there any animals still left?”

In short, yes! And lots, at that.

In an article from USA Today, dated October 5th, they say this:

“Five weeks after the flooding began, animal rescue teams continue to fan across New Orleans and surrounding parishes every day at dawn in a race against diminishing odds. They gather up hundreds of desperate pets every day � more than 8,000 so far. And they leave behind fresh water and dry food for the dogs and cats roaming the streets that rescuers do not have enough staff to find or collect.”

So, yes, many animals (so many..) are still there. Starving, dehydrated and needing medical attention. In fact, in certain areas, animals are all that’s left. The people left long ago.

Which is why I’m going.. to give them what they need and to provide a second chance to live without such hardship.

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